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SGML in woody problems

I'm having problems getting SGML tools to work in woody.  I would like to do
the following:

Create DocBook and debiandoc documents, validate them and turn them into DVI.
>From that I can create other formats.  Also, the same for documents created by

Create XML documents, validate them and turn them into HTML, DVI, etc.

Psgml works great to edit the documents, and it seems to find and understand
the associated DTDs.  The problems start when I attempt to use sgmls, osgmls,
jade or openjade.  I get lots of errors, and they start with errors about the
doctype.  It is obviously a case sensitivity issue.  I tried using jade on
demo.sgm with demo.dsl, and got errors.  When I changed "doctype" to "DOCTYPE"
the first error went away, when I changed "system" to "SYSTEM" the second
error went away, etc.  How do I make these tools case insensitive?

Better yet, is there some recipe somewhere for Debian that says, install this,
use this command to validate, install that, use this command to create a DVI
file, etc.?  I am confused by all the similar tools; I need a roadmap of how
to use them.  Here is what I have installed, what should I keep and what
should I toss?

debiandoc-sgml					install
debiandoc-sgml-doc				install
jade						install
jadetex						install
libosp2						install
libsgmls-perl					install
libsp1						install
openjade					install
opensp						install
perlsgml					install
psgml						install
sgml-base					install
sgml-data					install
sgml2x						install
sgmlspl						install
sgmltools-lite					install
sp						install

Neil L. Roeth

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