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Re: [SUMMARY] Divergance with LSB spec

Mark Johnson <mark@phy.duke.edu> writes:

> The /usr/share/sgml tree would look like:
> /usr/share/sgml/
>                  declaration/
>                  dtd/
>                  entities/
>                  stylesheet/
>                  misc/
>                  ...
>                  html/
>                  jade/
>                  tei/ 
>                  docbook/
> The dtd/ and stylesheet/ dirs are for stuff that doesn't warrant it's own
> subtree.

I don't know if I like this convention.  I know it follows Debian
current practice, but it diverges unnecessarily from the LSB spec for
little benefit.  Take for example the freebsd materials:

  catalog  default.dsl  freebsd.dsl  freebsd.dtd  freebsd41.dtd  man-refs.ent

Here we see a pretty common DocBook customization layer.  It has
entities, a DTD extending docbook (3.1 and 4.1), a stylesheet, and a
catalog.  In your scheme this would be split under the stylesheet and
dtd subdirs, and I think that's a big minus.

> THe docbook subdirectory looks like:


> /usr/share/sgml/docbook/dtd/xml/
>                                 docbookx.CAT (for docbook-xml 3X & 4X)
>                                 (symlinks??)

Yes -- Symlinks.  3.1 -> 3.1.7 as well as 3 -> 3.1.7.

> DTDs derived from, or dependent on, a DTD should be in subdirectories
> of the DTD. Selected sections of the docbook-xml tree would look
> like:


> Note that the catalogs for a given package (*.CAT) are NOT in the
> directories with the DTDs. They sit one level up--alongside the
> versioned directories.

Why?  I strongly disagree with this.  In your simplified docbook

> /usr/share/sgml/docbook/dtd/xml/4.1.2/simple/
>                                              sdocbookx.CAT 

Now it's unclear and confusing which Simplified Docboo, or, the catalog file refers to.

> Stylesheets are similar, but no versioned directories:


> I haven't yet thought about the super/central/localized catalogs. That
> structure might need to be modified as well.

Please retain focus on the layout of the /usr/share/sgml tree only.
We must do one thing at a time or we'll never get anything done.

> Entities need to be addressed, as well.

I believe they already are addressed.  Leave them with the DTDs they
go with.    Regarding standard entities, I don't know that we really
have to diverge with LSB.

.....Adam Di Carlo....adam@onShore.com.....<URL:http://www.onShore.com/>

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