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Re: ITP: transformiix

On Sun, Mar 26, 2000 at 07:23:14PM -0300, Nicolás Lichtmaier wrote:
> > Looks like this is still sitting in Incoming.  Obviously it's not
> > going into potato.
>  It's not, but I can't find any reason for not including it. It's an
> isolated package, with just one binary, and considered stable by the
> upstream author.

That may be, but it's already outdated (it implements an older version
of the spec), so it will only confuse people when they can finally buy
potato CDs in a couple of months.

> > Anyhow, when it gets into woody, let me know, and
> > I'll add it to task-sgml ... or would it be task-sgml-dev ?
>  task-sgml? wouldn't that be task-xml?

I hope you're joking. If we create more task-* packages that depend on
let's say 10 packages each, we could still wind up with 400 task-*

The "sgml" in task-sgml should be read the same way as in debian-sgml.
I'd like to hear from the sgml people who are sure they'll never touch
xml, and the xml people who won't touch useful stuff like jade, sp,
psgml, etc because they're really sgml tools.

The idea is that the first face shown to people is one they can readily
accept - a more traditional logo. The lunacy element is only revealed
subsequently, via the LunaDude. [excerpted from the Lunatech Identity Manual]

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