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Re: ITP: lib XT : XML/XSL transformations in Java

On Tue, Jun 29, 1999 at 09:20:37AM +0200, Stephane Bortzmeyer wrote:
> [Followup on debian-sgml only, Cc: Branden if you reply, because I don't know 
> if he is on debian-sgml.]

I'm not, so yes, please Cc me with any further comments that need my

> Don't worry, it is written in Java, so the actual name of the package will be 
> lib-xt-java.
> XP = XML Parser :-) The Debian package will be lib-xp-java.

Okay.  Consider me conditionally reassured.

> The world of SGML is very closed, X11 is not something they know, XT is 
> developed on MS-Windows...

I see that!  Those guys need to get out more.  I can't fault these guys for
releasing free software, but I do think they need to be hit over the head
with a large beanbag that says "X WINDOW SYSTEM".

I withdraw my objection for the time being.  But I hope you understand my
concerns; I get a migraine just thinking about some doofus who files a bug
against xlib6g because he can't figure out how to get libXt or libXp to do
XML document manipulation.

BTW, just as a heads up, there are rumblings from time to time about
junking the /usr/X11R6 tree and moving X into /usr, and someday it really
will happen.  Since these libraries are Java classes, not archives or
shared objects, I don't antipate any name collisions, but it's better to be
aware of these issues now rather than later.

Thanks for helping assuage my panic attack. :)

G. Branden Robinson              |     I've made up my mind.  Don't try to
Debian GNU/Linux                 |     confuse me with the facts.
branden@ecn.purdue.edu           |     -- Indiana Senator Earl Landgrebe
cartoon.ecn.purdue.edu/~branden/ |

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