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PassiveTeX (was Re: LaTeX and SGML) [comp.text.xml]

Does someone is looking after something to package? :-)

I'm currently packaging xt and this looks like a nice testbed:

------ Forwarded Article <87btdmqhjm.fsf_-_@spqr.oucs.ox.ac.uk>
------ From Sebastian Rahtz <sebastian.rahtz@oucs.ox.ac.uk>

People interested in the use of LaTeX to typeset XML may like to


which outlines a rough-and-ready setup implementing XSL formatting 
objects using TeX. The idea is to write an XSL style sheet to describe 
the formatting of your XML document. You run this through an XSL
engine (I am using James Clark's xt) which spits out a new XML file
full of generic formatting objects. You can process this with
(pdf)TeX directly to produce dvi, pdf, or whatever.

There are three important components here

 * the XSL stylesheet which expresses what you want the stuff to look
   like. eg

    <xsl:template match="docTitle">
    <fo:block font-size="18pt" 

 * the TeX macros which parse the XML, which may look like this:

    <fo:block font-size="18pt" space-after="8pt"
      text-align-last="centered">TEI Lite: An Introduction to Text Encoding
      for Interchange</fo:block>

 * the actual implementation of <fo:block> and its attributes (thats
   the hard bit, matching up these objects to TeXery)

I'd be interested to get feedback and ideas. Some of you will
recognize the bits, as they build very largely on David Carlisle's
"typehtml" and my JadeTeX. The components are liable to be rewritten,
of course.

Sebastian Rahtz

PS The name "PassiveTeX" is intended to express my conviction that TeX 
should lurk quietly in the background, not interacting with the user. 

------ End of Forwarded Article

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