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Re: Debian buster: please prepare your service and its dependencies

On Thu, Jun 06, 2019 at 08:30:56PM +0800, Paul Wise wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 6, 2019 at 6:24 PM Holger Levsen wrote:
> > I wonder why piuparts.d.o is missing from your evaluation however, did
> > you ignore/miss it, or are all packages used in nice shaper for buster?
> I just checked again and how-can-i-help produces no output for the
> no-testing/testing-autorm issues for the list of packages installed on
> pejacevic.debian.org.

thanks for checking. piu-slave-ubc-01.debian.org has a slightly
different  set of packages installed but I guess they are also fine.

> Of course that is no guarantee that a service works, but it is at
> least the bare minimum that is required to work.


> I expect piuparts has enough QA in testing/unstable that the service
> will work too.

I guess so too...

> Post-buster, I can see that it will need porting to Python 3.

we're well aware and on it.

> FTR, I'm using this branch of hcih to tell it to ignore locally
> installed packages:
> https://salsa.debian.org/pabs/how-can-i-help/commits/remote-hosts
thanks for your work on this!


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In Europe there are people prosecuted by courts because they saved other people
from drowning in the  Mediterranean Sea.  That is almost as absurd  as if there
were people being prosecuted because they save humans from drowning in the sea.

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