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Re: sysadmin in training

On 5/12/23 08:47, Jeremy Stanley wrote:
On 2023-05-12 08:10:04 -0700 (-0700), Jeffrey Chimene wrote:
I'd like to propose adding a section that describes ossec.

There's an (ancient) RFP for it which apparently used to be an ITP:


There's no ossec-hids package in Debian currently though, so
actually packaging it for inclusion in the distribution seems like
the place to start.

Agreed. Actually, ossec itself has a debian package, so no ITP for me :). It made my work significantly easier since the regex package (pcre2) isn't part of the distro; the absence has a reason, but it's still an impediment that ossec itself has addressed with their .deb

I'm proposing adding a section to the document. I'll do the work. There's a particular focus that I think needs clarifying, i.e. the "accidental" sysop. To be clear, I've been using Debian since Potato as a developer. It's only since 2017 that I've been actively using Buster, Bullseye.

<rant>I'm somewhat annoyed that, for example, Linode thinks documenting ossec installation on Debian 7 is relevant to the sysop looking to improve their security posture. That someone exploring ossec would be running 7 seems not be a problem.</rant>


# Add Apt sources.lst
wget -q -O - https://updates.atomicorp.com/installers/atomic | sudo bash

# Update apt data
sudo apt-get update

# Agent
sudo apt-get install ossec-hids-[server|agent]



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