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Re: Have I caught a firmware attack in the act? Or am I just paranoid?

I have only seen intelligence visiting my home when I left an offline computer around with HDD.

If you feel safe answering: what country was this in?  Your name and time zone suggest Germany/Austria/Switzerland, which I wouldn't have thought of as the kind of places that do this.

Though I also wouldn't have thought of Britain as the first place to have "help us spy and don't tell anyone, or we'll imprison you" legal orders until we were...


...which is one reason I prefer to stay away from maintaining security tools or other highly sensitive packages.

 Well, I am from Austria and most of what has happened and what you can read about took place in Austria:


... with one exception: The cracked system, where they had replaced glibc and some system library files, was cracked in Puno, Peru while I had discovered the crack later on in Brazil. Some years ago I have sent out blue ray images with the cracked installed system as well as the RedHat SELinux packages used to install a clean system 1:1 where you can compare both systems, cracked and clean file by file. The sha512-sums of these blue ray images are still online at:


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