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Re: Default valid shells and home dir permissions

On Thu, Jan 12, 2012 at 5:11 PM, Chris Davies <chris-usenet@roaima.co.uk> wrote:
> Poison Bit <poisonbit@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Why filter to those in /etc/shells ? I mean... the filter should be
>> applied by the system :)
> Mainly because it's a convenient list of "real" shells, and some of the
> remote service applications require a shell to be in that list. FTP is
> one such that springs to mind. As a counter example, /bin/false is a
> possible shell but it doesn't provide a particularly useful environment
> for the user. You could change the scriptlet to check for the 7th column
> being either empty or an executable file if you preferred.

Thanks, so my example should be more like:

  getent passwd  | awk -F: '!/bin\/false/{print $1" "$7}'

If there is a single thread doing it, there is not race condition on
reading valid shells and then parsing a list of users.

>> But neither of both codes take in mind if there is sudo in the system,
>> and what is gained in its config.
> I don't recall the OP mentioning access via sudo. (BICBW.)

Indeed, neither FTP, it was about:

  "why most of the system users have valid shells by default ?

>> Also, neither of both codes think about ForceCommand in ssh... So I
>> maybe listed as /bin/bash, but I me be able only of run /usr/bin/cal
>> once as my shell and get kicked.
> ForceCommand requires an interactive shell-like login on the target,
> so I don't believe that's relevant here.

My point was that the user with /bin/bash in such parsing, can still
have a ForceCommand /bin/false in sshd_config, but indeed this is not
relevant on "why so much system users have a valid shell".

So returning to topic... I've no idea on "why", my system just references this:

  zmore /usr/share/doc/base-passwd/users-and-groups.txt.gz



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