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Re: Linux infected ?

Hi Henri,

In fact I received this file from a friend, and when I saw the attached file it sounds like a html file, that's why I tried to use the iceweasel.

In the first attempt the iceweasel didn't respond, then I tried again and I realized the iceweasel was trying to use the wine. Then I realized with the command "file" it is a binary file for Windows machines, look:

$ file curriculo762.com
curriculo762.com: PE32 executable for MS Windows (GUI) Intel 80386 32-bit

Thanks for your help.

On Thu, Jan 29, 2009 at 8:59 AM, Henri Salo <fgeek@hack.fi> wrote:
On Thu, Jan 29, 2009 at 08:38:06AM -0200, Rodrigo Hashimoto wrote:
> Hi,
> I received a file via e-mail and tried to open it, then the iceweasel did
> nothing. I tried again and I realized the iceweasel was trying to user the
> "wine" to open a file ".com". Then I run the command "file" and I realized
> this is king of a virus to Windows and not Linux.
> This is a security risk to my debian lenny ?
> --
> Rodrigo Hashimoto

First of all, why did you open a file, which you obviously don't trust?
This is a very serious error. Same thing considers emails from unknown

I beleive that isn't security risk for you, but next time don't click
those viruses. If you want to know what kind of malware it was use for


Maybe your client is configured to open win32 binaries in wine, which in
my opinion isn't very smart thing to do, because of these cases.

Henri Salo

Rodrigo Hashimoto

"...Ser feliz não é ter uma vida perfeita, sem dor e sem lágrimas; mas saber usar as lágrimas para regar a esperança e a alegria de viver..."

"...Ser feliz é ser como a raiz da árvore que passa a vida toda escondida para poder sustenta-la. Ser feliz é não deixar que a tristeza apague o seu sorriso; é não permitir que o rancor elimine o perdão; que as decepções eliminem a confiança; que o fracasso vença o desejo da vitória; que os erros vençam os acertos; que a ingratidão te faça parar de ajudar; que a velhice elimine em você o animo da juventude; que a mentira sufoque a verdade..."

"...Ser feliz é não precisar ficar se justificando; pois os amigos não precisam de explicações e os inimigos não acreditam nelas..."

"... Ser feliz é amar a Deus e ao próximo..." - (Prof. Felipe Aquino)

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