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Re: instantbird: modified libpurple

On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 01:28:41AM +0100, Bernd Eckenfels wrote:
In article <0e753136-d929-11de-9b6a-001cc0cda50c@msgid.mathom.us> you wrote:
My inclination is to say that this sort of thing is largely unsupportable in a debian release. It's fine for unstable, but 2-3 years from now is anyone going to be writing patches for instantbird and its forked version of libpurple?

Hu? This is an open source project with a forked code base like any other
project?  Why dont you simply treat it as such?

Because of the history of what happens with projects that get put into stable when they are version as well as the history of what happens with complex network client applications in general.
Mike Stone

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