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Re: HEAD's UP: possible 0day SSH exploit in the wild

Bernd Eckenfels schrieb:
In article <[🔎] f971bab40907080937v33884e78nce8291d34140f3de@mail.gmail.com> you wrote:
Besides I dont think you can force both, its only one stage in ssh protocol.
But your login shell could ask for the password via Terminal. Maybe with pam..

I think, you can, when you are hacking the source code of the server, but i'm not into the source code ...

If you try to connect with an invalid key, the server can fall back to password authentication. This works transparently on the clients i use.
So you possibly can change the code of the server in this way:
- remember if there was a valid authentication by key, but deny it
- if there is a valid password authentication, only accept it, when you remembered a valid key auth

I would not suggest this. It is confusing for the user. And in my opinion, there are better solutions:
- let the server listen on another port
- use fail2ban
- put a fail2ban minefield around the other port
- drop invalid packets
- use port knocking

Yes, there are pros and cons.

I dont know a good port knocking server. The ones i testet had static keys, what you don't want. Better would be dynamic keys, maybe with first a knocking sequence by time and later by password with answers on port knock daemon.

You could distribute working portknocking clients to your customers.
If you have windows customers, you can distribute putty-configurations as reg-files. Possibly this works with winscp to. At least you can take over putty-configs to winscp in a rather hidden menu-button on the very first startwindow.

As an alternative to port knocking, you could use web based knocking, which is more difficult to set up.

With knocking in general you lock the syn-packages on your ssh-port and unlock it for a certain time, after receiving a valid knock-sequence an another port-range.

However you set up. Keep one important thing in mind:
Try to manage your system in a way, that if an atacker cracked the access of one customer, he can't affect changes on other customers.
That is not an easy task on ordinary web servers.

You always have customers, that are not sensible to security. And even if your customers are smart, but have in spite of a cracked system, the malware could record both there passwords and the passphrase of the encrypted private key ...

If the malware was smart, it coul even get between you and the terminal window, install it's own public key on the server and try to hide this action from your cutomers by clearing the screen and closing the connection. So just keep insecure customers from having influence on your system or other customers.


Guntram Trebs
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