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question on having . as LOAD_PATH (ruby)


I am wondering what the security implications of having a LOAD_PATH
that includes '.' is.

Debian includes software that is written in ruby, and is executed with
root privilege, such as apt-listbugs.

LOAD_PATH is the list of path that ruby library (MODULE.rb, MODULE.so)
is searched against. The load_path will only fallback to '.' when it
cannot find the required module in other paths, which should normally
not be the case, but I'm feeling a bit uneasy about that.

A theoretical attach scenario is putting a module under /tmp, and wait
until a user executes a ruby script that require's that module with
CWD=/tmp, which also happens not to exist in the other directories
listed in LOAD_PATH.

Example of LOAD_PATH (on my amd64 machine)

$ ruby -e '$:.each{|l| print l+"\n"}'

dancer@{debian.org,netfort.gr.jp}   Debian Project

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