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Re: package name case in DSAs ?

* paddy (paddy@panici.net) wrote:
> Hi,
> I just noticed that the use of case for package names in the subject
> line of DSA mails has been inconsistent or has changed. 
> For example, clamav and ClamAV.
> Apologies, I'm sure you have more important things to consider.

Are you talking about DSA-887-1[1]? I can't see the inconsistency in
the referred DSA. There we have clamav (name of the package) and
ClamAV (name of the software). All ocurrences seem to be correctly
writen to me.

[1] http://www.debian.org/security/2005/dsa-887


 .''`. Goedson Teixeira Paixao <goedson@debian.org>
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