Re: On Mozilla-* updates
Am Sonntag, 31. Juli 2005 18:54 schrieb antgel:
> Jan Luehr wrote:
> > Greeintgs,
> >
> > Am Sonntag, 31. Juli 2005 09:49 schrieb Bernd Eckenfels:
> >>In article <[🔎]> you wrote:
> >>>Despite of the fact, the the release is probably unable to match the
> >>>mozilla release cycles - do you really think, mozilla is the one and
> >>> only package, debian is all about? Well, I mean the killer application,
> >>> the thin that justify Debian?
> >>
> >>No but I think most of the desktop packages suffer from the slow release
> >>cycle.
> >
> > Debian is not primarily intended for being used as a desktop system. If
> > you are up to desktop centric usage, you should probably run Ubuntu
> > instead.
> Says who? I've been running a Debian desktop for years and I wouldn't
I'm not saying, that you cannot use debian for desktop work - I'm using sarge
at the moment in order to write this mail.
Al I'm trying to say is, that debian is not "primarily intended" for desktop
Debian claims to be an "universal operating system" - by that, it can be used
for desktop work. But it was never a principal of debian to create releases
that are intended for desktop work, only, or that are desktop centeric, like
SuSE or Readhat are doing.
By that, compromises have to be made.
Keep smiling
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