Re: On Mozilla-* updates
Jan Luehr wrote:
> Greeintgs,
> Am Sonntag, 31. Juli 2005 09:49 schrieb Bernd Eckenfels:
>>In article <[🔎]> you wrote:
>>>Despite of the fact, the the release is probably unable to match the
>>>mozilla release cycles - do you really think, mozilla is the one and only
>>>package, debian is all about? Well, I mean the killer application, the
>>>thin that justify Debian?
>>No but I think most of the desktop packages suffer from the slow release
> Debian is not primarily intended for being used as a desktop system. If you
> are up to desktop centric usage, you should probably run Ubuntu instead.
Says who? I've been running a Debian desktop for years and I wouldn't
change it if you paid me[1].
[1] Depends on the amount. :)
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