Re: Debian Security Support in Place
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Phillip Hofmeister schrieb:
>> The security team will continue to support Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 alias
>> woody until May 2006, or if the security support for the next release,
>> codenamed etch, starts, whatever happens first.
> Now I LOVE Debian a lot. It is my favorite distro, and I hope this
> isn't seen as a flame. But, two Debian releases in one year? That's
> kind of funny <grins>.
But in the past there where some Debian Release with lesser than one
year from one to the other.
In Wikipedia there is a good table:
Debian Linux (Stable releases)
Version Name Datum
0.93R6 - 26. Oktober 1995
1.1 Buzz 17. Juni 1996
1.2 Rex 12. Dezember 1996
1.3 Bo 5. Juni 1997
2.0 Hamm 24. Juli 1998
2.1 Slink 9. März 1999
2.2 Potato 15. August 2000
3.0 Woody 19. Juli 2002
3.1 Sarge 6. Juni 2005
? Etch -
0.93R6 -> 1.1 : 8 month
1.1 -> 1.2 : 6 month
1.2 -> 1.3 : 6 month
1.3 -> 2.0 : 13 month
2.0 -> 2.1 : 7 month
2.1 -> 2.2 : 17 month
2.2 -> 3.0 : 2 years
3.0 -> 3.1 : 3 years
- --
Mit freundlichen Grüssen,
Martin Wodrich
Version: GnuPG v1.4.0 (MingW32)
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