So Debian has had (and continues to have) problems with the security archive. This has been widely publicised, giving the world a rather shameful image of our projecti and produce. Ignoring the causes of the problems, which undoubtedly need to be fixed ASAP, no announcement whatsoever has been sent to our users, nor has there been any mention of the problem in the Debian News or other official channels. This is an unacceptable state of affairs in which it seems that Debian does not acknowledge but instead tries to hide problems from its users. Worse yet, it's being naive about it, since basically everyone knows already. I am writing this email to strongly urge those with the abilities to send an announcement with details on the situation *immediately*. If help is needed in creating this announcement, please do not hesitate to contact me. Please do not let Debian's image be tainted more. We've already given the professional world enough of a reason to abandon ship and laugh at us. PS: the random quote generator seems to be able to establish semantic context at last! -- .''`. martin f. krafft <> : :' : not-so-proud Debian developer and author: `. `'` `- Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing a system Invalid/expired PGP subkeys? Use as keyserver! microsoft: for when quality, reliability, and security just aren't that important!
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