Re: murphy in
On Fr, 26.11.2004, 03:34, Stephen Frost wrote:
> * Adrian 'Dagurashibanipal' von Bidder ( wrote:
>> <plug>
>> And, of course, postgrey as the very first line of defense.
>> </plug>
>> Coupled with the usual checking on HELO (blocking 'localhost' HELOs and
>> my
>> own IP does wonders!), SMTP protocol conformance (pipelining), sender
>> (envelope) address checking.
> Things which increase the load on the remote mail servers are *bad*.
> That would include responding with temporary errors unnecessairly and
> adding unnecessary delays in communication. pipelining by itself isn't
> necessairly terrible- adding things like 2 minute delays is bad though.
What about greylisting depending on results of e.g. SA?
Only above a limit of scores from SA greylisting would be become active.
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