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Re: repeated requests for a file favicon.ico

On Wed, Oct 06, 2004 at 11:37:24AM +0300, Emil Perhinschi wrote:

> Sorry to bother, but is this an attack? I get repeated requests for a 
> file "favicon.ico" that should have been, or so the client connecting 
> believes, in the root of my htdocs. The conections come from different 
> hosts, and at least in some it seems to be running Konqueror, so it is 
> not a Windows worm:  "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 1004 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 
> (compatible; Konqueror/2.2.2; Linux)".

  No it's not an attack.

  It used to be an Internet Explorer browser feature that when a user
 bookmarked a page upon your site it would request the /favicon.ico
 to display next to the bookmark.

  Now other browsers do it too.  If you go to a website such as
 slashdot.org and see a small icon in the address bar - this is the
 favicon.ico file being displayed.

  I'm not too sure how the browser asks for it, on first page load or
 only when bookmarked, but it's a fairly common feature now.  Galleon,
 Konqueror, Mozilla, Firefox, and Internet Explorer will all do it.

> it's a little bit offtopic, but I found nothing about it on cert.org ...

  I suspect google.com would be more helpful ...


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