I've an application that needs a secure automatic login from an application program, between particular accounts on particular machines. I know this used to work (a few years ago!) but I am having difficulty this time around getting it going. I'm using a public key for the connection, with null password given when asked by the ssh-keygen. The destination machine accepts that the publickey is valid but asks for a passphrase nonetheless. It doesn't accept a return for null password either, it falls back on normal password log in. As I said, I've not done this particular set up in, oh, 6 years, so I would not be surprised if there were changes in the debian defaults for sshd, pamd, the way ssh handles things etc, etc. A suggestion or three would be appreciated. -- ------------------------------------------------------ Dale Amon amon@islandone.org +44-7802-188325 International linux systems consultancy Hardware & software system design, security and networking, systems programming and Admin "Have Laptop, Will Travel" ------------------------------------------------------
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