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Re: Getting spam though again :-(

On Wed, 2004-03-31 at 17:45, Goswin von Brederlow wrote:

> When you fetch your mail from your local mailserver you pass it
> through the spam filter, which in turn checks the spam db and ignores
> spam.

Sounds an awful lot like a regular spamassassin install, pull the mail
through the filter which checks against a few databases and rules and
then decides if it's spam.

I don't get people complaining about getting spam through this list,
just get yourself a spamfilter, it will get rid of the non- d-s@d.o spam
mails too. The amount of spam mails via this list is IMO less than
through my regular mail adresses so if i didn't have a spamfilter i
wouldn't even notice those 2 or 3 coming through this list between the
50 or so other ones a day.

As a matter of fact, i didn't even notice any spam coming through this
list until there were discussions about it without including the spam

> MfG
>         Goswin
> PS: Of cause this only works if all the readers of the list are more
> or less trusted or if replying to spam-<list>@lists.d.o has some kind
> of ID check.

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