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Re: Mail processing tool

/ 2004-01-25 11:06:08 -0700
\ s. keeling:
> > This sounds like an ideal job for the combination of the rather
> > appropriately named tools fetchmail and procmail, which - to no big
> > surprise - are suitable to fetch and process mail.
> Agreed.  Add on gnupg for signature verification and decryption
> (perhaps callable by procmail).
> I'm not surprised there isn't one monolithic tool to do what you ask;
> you're asking a lot.  Chaining one existing specific tool after
> another to build up your overall system is the way to go.

maybe below helps ;)

	Lars Ellenberg

# --=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--


# Example proof of concept script to sign and encrypt a bash script,
# decrypt it, and execute it when it verifies ok.
# you obviously want to add some error handling, archive and log functionality,
# and work in some exclusive, (maybe `mktemp -d`ed ?) directory.
# of course you want to have more than one key, and a more
# interessting passphrase ...
# copyleft today, no rights reserved ;)

GPGOP="--no-default-keyring --keyring $KEYRING.pub --secret-keyring $KEYRING.sec"
REALNAME="Joe Tester"
COMMENT="with stupid passphrase"


umask 077
export LANG=
export PATH=/bin:/usr/bin

# --=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--

# CAREFULL! this does             rm $KEYRING.*
	rm "$KEYRING".*
	cat <<-___ > $KEYRING.mantra
	cat <<-___ | gpg --batch --gen-key
	%echo Generating a standard key
	Key-Type: DSA
	Key-Length: 1024
	Subkey-Type: ELG-E
	Subkey-Length: 1024
	Name-Real: $REALNAME
	Name-Comment: $COMMENT
	Name-Email: $EMAIL
	Expire-Date: 0
	Passphrase: $MANTRA
	%pubring $KEYRING.pub
	%secring $KEYRING.sec
	# Do a commit here, so that we can later print "done" :-)
	%echo done

	10<$KEYRING.mantra \
	gpg $GPGOP --passphrase-fd 10 --no-encrypt-to --batch \
		-u "$REALNAME" -r "$REALNAME" \
		--sign --encrypt --armor --output - "$1"

	10<$KEYRING.mantra \
	gpg $GPGOP --passphrase-fd 10 --decrypt --batch "$1"

# gen_key                # <<=== uncomment for the first run

PUBID=`gpg $GPGOP --with-colons --list-keys "$REALNAME" | grep ^pub: | head -1 | cut -d: -f 5`
SECID=`gpg $GPGOP --with-colons --list-keys "$REALNAME" | grep ^sub: | head -1 | cut -d: -f 5`
GPGOP="$GPGOP --trusted-key $SECID"

# this is used later to verify the authenticity of the message.
# you may need to adjust it if your gpg version has a different
# output format. This is for "gpg (GnuPG) 1.0.7"
CREATION_DATE="*" # put here the creation data, if you like
gpg: encrypted with 1024-bit ELG-E key, ID ${SECID: -8}, created $CREATION_DATE
gpg: Signature made * using DSA key ID ${PUBID: -8}
gpg: Good signature from \"$REALNAME ($COMMENT) <$EMAIL>\"\

# --=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--

# prepare a demo script
rm "$SAMPLE_SCRIPT"{,.asc,.clear}
cat <<-'___' > "$SAMPLE_SCRIPT"
	echo "executing dummy-script"
	echo " as $0 $*"
	echo "done."

# encrypt it

# --=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--
# mail it: mail -s "asdf" "$TARGET" < "$SAMPLE_SCRIPT".asc 
# the nice thing about gpg -se --armor is, that the gpg --decrypt
# later ignores the additional mail headers...
# receive it: fetchmail ...
# if you choose to let fetchmail deliver into maildir, you
# can simply have a daemon process check ./new/ every so often,
# then process every single file, and move it to ./cur/ if you are
# done with it...
# --=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--
# now:

# decrypt it, capture the gpg output
OUTPUT=`decrypt "$SAMPLE_SCRIPT".asc 2>&1 > "$SAMPLE_SCRIPT".clear`

if [[ $OUTPUT == $EXPECTED_GPG_OUTPUT ]] ; then
	# maybe you rather choose to:
	# /bin/bash -e "$SAMPLE_SCRIPT".clear	
	/bin/bash "$SAMPLE_SCRIPT".clear	
	# don't forget to cleanup now
	exit 0
	exec 1>&2
	echo =============
	echo "$OUTPUT"
	echo =============
	echo FAILED
	# don't forget to cleanup now
	exit 77 # which according to /usr/include/sysexits.h is EX_NOPERM

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