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Stupid package installer wanted: uppity robots need not apply

I'm trying to do an automated build from a spec sheet
and am near my wits end. apt-get and dpkg are simply
too uppity. They decide what I should do. They are
disobedient programs. Bad program! Bad!

Is anyone aware of an utterly stupid and *obedient*
installer? One that simply takes a package name
to get via sources.list or a full local path and
simply installs/purges/removes it. All questions
ignored (but perhaps reported); no intelligence;
utter blind obedience. No "Please type y-e-s again
if you really, really are sure you meant to do that".
No "add the following 10 switches to force that action".

Just take the name and *do it*.

I am not aware of one, but then I don't know everything
in this vast debian world either.

       IN MY NAME:            Dale Amon, CEO/MD
  No Mushroom clouds over     Islandone Society
    London and New York.      www.islandone.org

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