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Re: Nessus 2.0.0 packages available

On Tue, Feb 25, 2003 at 02:10:54PM +0100, Luis Gomez wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On Martes, 25 de Febrero de 2003 13:53, Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña wrote:
> > 	The nessus-plugin stuff is the source package, in order to make the
> > packages yourself just do:
> >
> > $ dpkg-source -x  nessus-plugins_2.0.0-1.dsc
> > $ cd nessus-plugins-2.0.0
> > $ dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot
> >
> > 	That should make the same .deb I'm uploading right now.
> Hi!
> I'm back (went out of the office), and your .deb is already uploaded. Now 

	Back from lunch, right? ;)

> nessus depends on libpcap0.7 , which seems not to be available. Again: am I 
> missing something?

	Umm.. Lipcap0.7 is available in unstable. Not in stable.
> 	Pope
> PS: Please, don't take this as a personal "lend me a hand" matter. Just that I 
> wanted to know whether this package is being built, or exists in Sid, or... 
> Anyway, if you're still building things and you think I should wait a little 
> before installing the .debs, just tell me and I'll stop bothering. Thanks!

	Well, I should probably have advised beforehand that this has been
built in a mixed stable/unstable environment. I have (by hand) backported
libpcap0.7 to my stable system (just 'apt-get -b source libpcap0.7'
with some deb-src lines in apt pointing to sid).
	Again, if you are not in sid, you might want to download the
sources and compile nessus yourself. Maybe the following will help:

- Add a line to your sources.list like this
deb-src http://people.debian.org/~jfs/nessus/2.0.0 ./

- Download and compile for your system:
apt-get update
apt-get source nessus-core nessus-plugins nessus-libraries libnasl
for i in nessus-libraries libnasl nessus-plugins; do
	dpkg-source -x $i*dsc
	[ -d $i-2.0.0 ] && { 
		cd $i-2.0.0
		dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot
		[ -n "`echo $i*-dev*.deb`" ] && dpkg -i $i*-dev*.deb
		cd ..
dpkg-source -x nessus-core*dsc
cd nessus-core-2.0.0
dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot
cd ..
dpkg -i nessusd_*deb nessus_*deb

Who said compiling stuff in Debian was complicated? 
If you encounter errors you might want to read APT's
manual [1] and/or the Debian reference Manual's [2] relevant sections.

	Best regards


PS: If people do want these packages to be properly built for a woody
system I can dedicate some time to do a chroot build in a 3.0 system.
Please speak up.

[1] http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html

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