Re: Sarge freeze and security updates
Salut List!
On Sun, Feb 23, 2003 at 01:35:22AM -0500, Mark L. Kahnt wrote:
> There is a side effect that this means that few of the security fixes
> are making it through to Sarge, either. There is talk about using the
> security update system to produce security releases for Sarge, but those
> responsible for Sid are concerned about package numbering, among other
> problems, and are reluctant to see that implemented, as this situation
> is really a rarity (a perfect storm of stalled dependencies in Sid
> blocking so much concurrently.)
It would however be nice to have security available for sarge for
reassurance but also so that people could choose it as a supported
release of Debian.
I don't see why people are worried about numbering for security patches
for testing. Why wouldn't they be done in the same way that security
patches are done at the moment? i.e 1.2.3-1.sarge.1 as the security fix
for 1.2.3-1
The package in unstable would need to have a higher version than that
but it would naturally anyway.
Do you have a reference to this discussion somewhere?
"Everyone who is alive, please raise your hand. See, told ya," - Rimmer.
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