Re: [OT} Need advice on rsync backups
On Mon, Feb 17, 2003 at 03:00:30AM +0000, Dale Amon wrote:
> This is not a security issue unless one considers backups a
> security issue ;-)
Everything is a security issue. The only variable is severity.
> If someone could respond offline and give me some advice I'd
> much appreciate it. The situation is this:
Lists were made for a reason... obviously that didn't escape you when you
Advice: Read the man page. Again. Repeat as necessary.
> rsync -v --include-from /includes --exclude-from /excludes -n -avz root@server:/ /Backups/
> Does not work as expected. Docs seemed to indicate an ordered
> list was created and first match wins. That is not what I'm seeing.
> The exclude seems to override as if the match were occuring one
> element at a time.
Yup, quoting the man page:
Note that when used with -r (which is implied by -a),
every subcomponent of every path is visited from top down,
so include/exclude patterns get applied recursively to
each subcomponent.
> Seems like something that should be in the rsync FAQ I found,
> but isn't.
Yeah, it's in the man page of all places...
o --include "foo/" --include "foo/bar.c" --exclude
"*" would include only foo/bar.c (the foo/ direc
tory must be explicitly included or it would be
excluded by the "*")
Hope that helps.
Ted Deppner
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