[OT} Need advice on rsync backups
This is not a security issue unless one considers backups a
security issue ;-)
If someone could respond offline and give me some advice I'd
much appreciate it. The situation is this:
rsync -v --include-from /includes --exclude-from /excludes -n -avz root@server:/ /Backups/
where what I am trying to accomplish is:
include /var/www/website1
exclude everything else
Actually, there are more than just web sites involved: I'm also trying
to back up selected users, mail spools, and some config files. The best
I've managed to find in google is that other folks have had similar
problems :-(
I've already found that:
includes /var/www/site1
excludes /*
Does not work as expected. Docs seemed to indicate an ordered
list was created and first match wins. That is not what I'm seeing.
The exclude seems to override as if the match were occuring one
element at a time.
Seems like something that should be in the rsync FAQ I found,
but isn't.
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