Re: port 3306 help
Which firewall do you use? iptables, ipchains on your debian? or a
firewall box with checkpoint, ...
You must also give the privileges to the user of the DB to reach them in
- comment the line skip-networking in /etc/mysql/my.cnf
- update table user, db in db mysql.
Ulas B. Baloglu wrote:
I tried to remote mysql db, but I guess port 3306 is blocked
can anyone send me a method to change firewall settings and unblock it,
or to stop firewall temporarily.
Mathieu Laurent
System Administrator & Software Engineer
n.v. Q W E N T E S s.a.
Rue du Marteau 81 Hamerstraat
B-1000 Brussels - Belgium
Tel: +32.2.285 05 00
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