Re: antivirus scanning facility
> Giacomo Mulas <> [2003-02-07 12:49]:
> I currently use exim3 with mailscanner (package available for debian)
> driving f-prot (free as in "free beer" for personal use) and clamav (free
> as in "free speech", i.e. open source). An installer for f-prot is
> available for debian, and clamav is available as an official deb
> package and both provide fresh signatures online. It's been a very long
> time now since last email virus was able to get into my mail box, and I am
> subscribed to a few mailing lists, some of which completely open and
> unmoderated (e.g. the FreeSWan official mailing lists).
> Last time I checked, about two months ago, the openAV project
> was still not recommended for production, things may have changed though.
I am using postfix. Are there anywhere any example configuration
scripts to include mailscanner and clamav into postfix?
Lukas Ruf
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