Re: antivirus scanning facility
> On Fri, 07 Feb 2003 at 11:41:51 +0100, Mathieu Laurent wrote:
> >
> > My questions are: How I can install this library without break the
> > libraries on my servers and which antivirus programs do you use to scan
> > your mail. There are commercial solutions as McAfee uvscan, Sophos
> > Sweep, ... Exist there antivirus free and opensource?
I currently use exim3 with mailscanner (package available for debian)
driving f-prot (free as in "free beer" for personal use) and clamav (free
as in "free speech", i.e. open source). An installer for f-prot is
available for debian, and clamav is available as an official deb
package and both provide fresh signatures online. It's been a very long
time now since last email virus was able to get into my mail box, and I am
subscribed to a few mailing lists, some of which completely open and
unmoderated (e.g. the FreeSWan official mailing lists).
Last time I checked, about two months ago, the openAV project
was still not recommended for production, things may have changed though.
Giacomo Mulas <>
Str. 54, Loc. Poggio dei Pini * 09012 Capoterra (CA)
Tel. (OAC): +39 070 71180 248 Fax : +39 070 71180 222
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"When the storms are raging around you, stay right where you are"
(Freddy Mercury)
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