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Re: postfix in qmail out proftpd in pureftpd

On Wednesday, 02 October 2002, at 19:19:50 +0200,
WebMaster wrote:

> there is a .deb for postfix and not for qmail?
> (qmail is more secure than postfix)
Redistribution terms for qmail prevent it from being packaged in binary
form whenever the binary is not the exact result of a compilation from
the original sources the author releases. You can't change the resulting
binary in any form or shape, but you can't modify the layout of files on
the filesystem neither.

The Debian Policy says some things must go somewhere, so qmail is not
available as a .deb as a precompiled binary. BUT you can get it
officially from non-free:
apt-get install qmail-src

And compile it and create the resulting "debianized" .deb with just:

and a couple of simple answers to simple questions.

The same goes for ucspi-tcp, djbdns and daemontools, all from Daniel J.
Bernstein, if memory serves.

> there is a .deb for proftpd and not for pureftpd?
> (pureftpd is more secure than proftpd)
There are no official pureftpd packages for a very simple reason: nobody
took the software and made a Debian package from it, taking
responsibility for it, its releases, bugs, complaints, updates, etc.
That is, "a nice pureftpd software looks for a Debian maintainer still 
not under loads of work, for a long, stable, relationship" :-)

Hope to be right :)

Jose Luis Domingo Lopez
Linux Registered User #189436     Debian Linux Woody (Linux 2.4.19-pre6aa1)

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