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Re: Un-installing inetd on Woody.

In message <[🔎] 02021309001300.00464@NodeFilter>, Stefan Srdic writes:
> My system is my desktop and my server. The machine is 
>connected to the internet and I use my own IPTables script to protect my 
>I've used the update-rc.d script to remove the inetd init scripts from all 
>runlevels. But, I still want to un-install it completely. I've heard that the 
>inet daemon can be used in many different types of attacks and I don't want 
>to experience any first hand.

You shouldn't use the update-rc.d script to remove init.d scripts.  If you
do, when you upgrade the package, all of the scripts should be reinstalled.
Read the man page for update-rc.d for info on how to turn off a service and
ensure that it won't be re-enabled on upgrade.  A lot of people seem to do
this, but it will eventually cause problems.  update-rc.d was written for
scripts to use, not administrators.


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