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Re: Using PAM with SFS

You need the libgmp3-dev package for compiling...


On Mon, 2002-09-30 at 11:56, Massimiliano Mirra wrote:
> I'm using the libpam-sfs PAM module, which lets users authenticate at
> login and for importing directories in one single step.  The binary
> .deb that comes with Woody works fine.  But...
> Short version: when I try to compile it from source I hit a wall.
> Anybody managed to compile it?
> Long version:
>   $ apt-get source libpam-sfs
>   E: Unable to find a source package for libpam-sfs
> So I got it from SourceForge (libpam-sfs-0.2.2.tar.gz), unpacked it
> and run dpkg-buildpackage.  It dies with:
>   make: ./configure: Command not found
> Ooops, there is no configure.  But there is autogen.sh.  I run
> autogen.sh and then dpkg-buildpackage again:
>   checking for main in -lgmp3... no
>   configure: error: gmp3 library not found
> Uh?
>   $ dpkg --status libgmp3
>   Package: libgmp3
>   Status: install ok installed
> Let's see...
>   # ln -s /usr/lib/libgmp.so.3 /usr/lib/libgmp3.so
>   # dpkg-buildpackage
> Ok, past libgmp3, but now it ends with...
>   checking for main in -lsfscrypt... no
>   configure: error: sfscrypt library not found
> But debian/rules does call configure --with-sfs-libdir=/usr/lib/sfs,
> and:
>   $ ls /usr/lib/sfs/libsfscrypt.*
>   /usr/lib/sfs/libsfscrypt.a
>   /usr/lib/sfs/libsfscrypt.la
>   /usr/lib/sfs/libsfscrypt.so
> What am I doing wrong?  BTW, I've tried to compile libpam-sfs on RH
> 7.2 and 7.3 too with no success, either (though the problem there
> seems related to nana-config.h).  I'm setting a file server in an
> environment where clients' roots aren't necessarily trusted and
> phisical access to the network is not restricted, so NFS isn't the
> healthiest choice and I have found no alternative beyond SFS that is
> reasonably gentle to sysadmins.  (No, after LDAP plus Samba there's no
> way I'm grokking Kerberos for AFS. ;->)
> Thank you for any help,
> Massimiliano
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