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Re: PPTP with Encryption

another solution you may want to try is to use freeswan + pptp. If the windows
machines are 2k or sup, you dont need to install any additional soft on the machine.
however, ipsec config on 2k and XP is a pain. 

So, i reckon the best way to do, would be to use a vpn client on the windows machine
(ssh sentinel is pretty good) and use freeswan + l2tpd for passwd authentication and
address distribution. This is off course out of the scope of the question, but
i think this is the best solution available (and i need people to test l2tpd as well :))


On Tue, Apr 30, 2002 at 10:54:24AM -0400, Derek J. Balling wrote:
> Does anyone have a nice simple HOWTO on how to add encryption to the 
> pptpd daemon, so that windows VPN users can connect using encryption? 
> Preferred methods do NOT include patching things, if possible, 
> because I'd like to not have to re-patch things every time new 
> upgrades come out.
> Has anyone built all the necessary items simply as .deb's?
> D
> -- 
> +---------------------+-----------------------------------------+
> | dredd@megacity.org  | "Thou art the ruins of the noblest man  |
> |  Derek J. Balling   |  That ever lived in the tide of times.  |
> |                     |  Woe to the hand that shed this costly  |
> |                     |  blood" - Julius Caesar Act 3, Scene 1  |
> +---------------------+-----------------------------------------+
> -- 
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-> Jean-Francois Dive
--> jef@linuxbe.org

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