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Re: hosts deny, alow

On Mon, 11 Feb 2002 HdV@DTO.TUDelft.NL wrote:

> Of course even if tcp_wrapper gives you access the deamon doesn't
> have to do so too... So, maybe it's not the wrapper that's denying you
> access. If you think your hosts.deny and hosts.allow files are fine,
> then maybe it's good to make sure the deamon accepts your connections.

Upon reading this I thought this could be confusing. What I meant to
say was that after your connection is accepted by the tcp_wrapper it
also has to be accepted by the process listening to that port. That could
be a inetd process (in.telnetd or something like that for example), but
also a tcp_wrapper enabled daemon (like ssh).

So, if you are sure that your hosts.allow and hosts.deny files are as
you want them then maybe it's wise to make sure the config file for
the process listening to the port you're trying to connect to is OK.

I wasted an hour once by only looking at the hosts files, and forgetting
about the config file... Mind you, chances are it's just something in
the hosts.allow file. So make sure they are as they should be.

man host_access

will be very helpful when configuring the tcp_wrapper.

Grx HdV

Support bacteria -
they're the only culture some people have.

J.A. de Vries aka HdV
Delft University of Technology
Computing Centre

Email: J.A.deVries@DTO.TUDelft.NL
Email: HdV@DTO.TUDelft.NL

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