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Re: Pam 0.72-26 critically broken


have made some aliases for me to prevent such security things
to break my system. Have a look :-)

put the following into /root/.bashrc or .profile or whatever you
use as your shell.

holddeb() {
    if [ $# = "1" ]; then
        echo "$1 hold" | dpkg --set-selections
        echo "Set $1 on hold so dist-upgrade cannot update:"
        echo "`dpkg -l|grep $1`"
        echo "This is to set an debian package on hold so dist-upgrade cannot replace it :-)"
        echo "Usage: holddeb package-name"

unholddeb() {
    if [ $# = "1" ]; then
        echo "$1 install" | dpkg --set-selections
        echo "Set $1 on unhold so dist-upgrade can update:"
        echo "`dpkg -l|grep $1`"
        echo "This is to set an debian package on unhold so dist-upgrade can replace it :-("
         echo "Usage: unholddeb package-name"

alias allonhold='dpkg -l|grep "hi  "'

So, holddeb can be called within your shell with for example: holddeb tar. This one sets
package tar on hold so only --force-hold can replace this package. undholddeb tar sets
the package to installable again.

allonhold displays your current "all on hold" packages.

Maybe you need it or not, it's quite simple, but usefull for me. I have some packages on hold
cause some don't work fine, like the following:

hi  gpm            1.19.3-6       General Purpose Mouse Interface
hi  imwheel        0.9.9pre5-2    Program to support the "wheel" on some new m
hi  libpam-crackli 0.72-27        PAM module to enable cracklib support.
hi  libpam-modules 0.72-27        Pluggable Authentication Modules for PAM
hi  libpam-runtime 0.72-27        Runtime support for the PAM library
hi  libpam0g       0.72-27        Pluggable Authentication Modules library
hi  mc             4.5.42-11.pota Midnight Commander - A powerful file manager
hi  mc-common      4.5.42-11.pota Common files for mc and gmc
hi  sendmail       8.11.4+8.12.0. A powerful mail transport agent.
hi  tar            1.13.17-2      GNU tar
hi  wmaker         0.65.0-3       NeXTSTEP-like window manager for X
hi  xchat          1.7.6-2        A X11 (X Window System) IRC client, using th

Why i use hold gpm and imwheel is cause i have selfcompiled packages of them with support
for /dev/gpmwheel so i can use gpm with imwheel and mouse support in console and X at the
same time. Midnight Commander cause all later versions are not able to browse to .deb files
and browsing rpm files are broken too. Sendmail cause ...beta10-2 don't work fine, same as tar,
you can find the bug at bugs.debian.org and wmaker, muaaah, i compiled at myself cause the
packages of debian are horrible :-) ... Dark blue != dark blue but light cyan, very slow gfx output,
and many many more and last but not least, i use selfmade xchat with some modifications :-)

So, i hope i didn't write alot to much and maybe it helps anyone :-)

Kind regards,


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