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Re: stable vs. testing: same versions, different status

On Fri, 19 Jun 2009 14:31:52 -0400 Michael S. Gilbert wrote:

> On Fri, 19 Jun 2009 20:17:18 +0200, Francesco Poli wrote:
> > I am aware of this distinction, I just considered the start of (more or
> > less) regular DTSA publishing as a sign of Debian Testing Security team
> > activity on the testing suite.
> > 
> > Having a (more or less regular) DTSA flow is certainly not enough to
> > claim that Debian testing is officially supported security-wise, but
> > it's certainly better than not even having DTSAs...  ;-)
> agreed, but it may be more useful to actually look at flow (e.g.
> DTSAs/month over similar time frames).

Definitely, but it would require a more accurate and time-consuming
analysis of past DTSAs...
I just didn't find the time to perform such analysis.  :-(

> however, is there any reason to
> issue DTSAs when testing is not officially security-supported anyway?
> it seems like more work than necessary, especially since eventually the
> fixed unstable packages will transition into testing automatically
> (without any effort on anyone's part).

This line of reasoning seems really strange to me.

You seem to say: "since testing is not officially supported, there's no
reason to do *anything* that would improve its security".
What's next step, then?  Intentionally introduce vulnerabilities into
testing, since it's not officially supported anyway?!?   ;-)

You seem to reason as if security were an all-or-nothing,
black-or-white thing.
I think that there are several gray scales between an ideal 100 %
secure system (which is unfortunately impossible to obtain in the real
world) and a miserable (security) failure.
As a consequence, I think that *anything* that could be done to push
Debian testing in the direction of a more secure system, is worth doing.
Even *some* DTSAs are better than *no* DTSAs.
Even *some* efforts from the Testing Security team, are better than

Make no mistake, I am *not* saying that the Testing Security team is
doing nothing.
As I told in this same thread, I was happy to see a pair of DTSAs and I
am pretty sure that many other actions are taken (in a less visible
way) to make sure that important security-related fixes are applied to
unstable and migrate from unstable to testing as fast as possible.
This is *greatly* appreciated, especially if lack of manpower is taken
into account!

I just think that the goal of the Debian Testing Security team should
be to officially support Debian testing *always*, and not only for a
few months before a stable release.
That's why I was wondering what could be done to improve the situation:
a new call for help perhaps, and, at the same time, an automatic
mechanism to re-use some DSAs as DTSAs which would be useful,
especially early after a stable release, i.e. when it is apparently
more difficult to provide good Debian testing security support...

 New location for my website! Update your bookmarks!
..................................................... Francesco Poli .
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