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Re: Request to review and upload unhide 20210124-1

Hello Daichi,

> d/copyright was updated as you suggested.
> Here is the change.
> https://salsa.debian.org/dfukui/unhide/-/commit/92fda0924f6187089b025018d1968306cb845665

There is a weird spacing on line 8 of d/copyright, it has more spaces
than needed. Since this doesn't affect anything other than cosmetics,
I will leave it as it is.

You could also have added yourself to d/copyright under the debian/*
entry, but that's not critical and your name will end up there
whenever anybody updates it anyway.

> > 2) branches upstream and pristine-tar:
> > I believe you forgot to commit those branches, could you do that?
> The two missing branches are now available in my repository.
> I just forgot to upload them from my local repo.
> The branches are as follows.
> https://salsa.debian.org/dfukui/unhide/-/tree/upstream
> https://salsa.debian.org/dfukui/unhide/-/tree/pristine-tar

I forgot to also ask you to push the upstream/ tag, which was created
when you imported the new upstream release, but that's ok and I
created it myself.

I have a couple of comments about tags and I think this is the right
place to mention them:

1) debian/20210124-1: I see you pushed this tag, and it's a good
practice that the person who does the upload creates the tag instead,
since it's that person who is claiming which commit was used for the
upload. I have recreated the tag so you will need to update any clones
of the team's repo.

2) Signed tags: You might want to consider signing the tags with your
GPG keys as well. If you're using gbp, the setting is "sign-tags =
True" under the "DEFAULT" section. This helps increase the trust of
your GPG key through Debian contributions (will be handy when applying
to become a DM, for example), besides the other security related
benefits that we get.

> > Extra things you could do to improve packaging even more:
> >
> > 4) Python client:
> > I see that unhide now offers a python client, with a GUI: unhideGui.py
> > My suggestion is to consider shipping that GUI as well, but it will
> > require some testing to make sure it's working fine.
> Looks like we need more effort to incorporate the GUI program into our unhide package.
> Allow me to skip trying this improvement for now, but I would like to do this in the near future.

That's ok,

> > 8) d/unhide.manpages:
> > I'm not sure this file is needed as debhelper should be smart enough
> > to catch it, but I didn't double check.
> I tried to remove unhide.manpages, but noticed that unhide.8.gz is missing in the package withtout the .manpages file.
> Thus I decided to keep the file as it is.

Alright, debhelper is probably not smart enough on this regard then,

> Hope the changes above make sense.
> If the issues are resolved, let's go to the next step.

Perfect, I have done a few changes on d/changelog, so please have a
look to see what I would suggest (both for d/changelog and for the
commit message).

I appreciate your replies pointing to the commits which made the changes.

I have pushed your commits to the repo and sponsored the upload,
thanks for contributing!


Samuel Henrique <samueloph>

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