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Re: Request to review and upload unhide 20210124-1

 Hello Samuel,

Thank you for the feedback!
That's very helpful.

Kindly find how I updated the first version of the patch below.

On Wed, 13 Apr 2022 at 06:56, Samuel Henrique <samueloph@debian.org> wrote:
> Hello Daichi,
> Here's my review, the first 3 items are more important, the other ones
> are suggestions on further improvements you can do if you have the
> time:
> 1) d/copyright:
> I can see upstream has updated the copyright years and assignments on
> a few files by looking at the following commit:
> https://salsa.debian.org/dfukui/unhide/-/commit/ce1d2cac78695f8373fe1407e666869662ffd38e
> So we need to update the definitions under d/copyright. You could
> simplify that file by stating the following:
> Files: *
> Copyright: 2005-2021 Yago Jesus <yjesus@security-projects.com>
>                   2010-2021 Patrick Gouin
> License: GPL-3+
> And removing the entry for the "sanity" files.
> But of course you can always be more precise and declare each file as it is.
d/copyright was updated as you suggested.
Here is the change.

> 2) branches upstream and pristine-tar:
> I believe you forgot to commit those branches, could you do that?
The two missing branches are now available in my repository.
I just forgot to upload them from my local repo.
The branches are as follows.

> 3) d/control:
> We're missing a dependency on procps, and probably on other packages
> too (as mentioned in "Require" section of the README).
Missing dependencies were added to d/control, following the "Require" section in README.
The control file was updated like this:

> Due to the lack of procps, I can see autopkgtests are failing.
> Let me know if by any chance autopkgtest is passing on your
> environment so I can try to figure out why.
> And if you're not running that, you can either take advantage of
> salsa-ci or make sure your build tools run it (sbuild supports
> autopkgtest), let me know if you'd like me to expand on that.
Autopkgtest was also failing on my environment, but I didn't notice that for some reason.
Now that procfs was added as a dependency, the test passes without a hitch.

> Extra things you could do to improve packaging even more:
> 4) Python client:
> I see that unhide now offers a python client, with a GUI: unhideGui.py
> My suggestion is to consider shipping that GUI as well, but it will
> require some testing to make sure it's working fine.
Looks like we need more effort to incorporate the GUI program into our unhide package.
Allow me to skip trying this improvement for now, but I would like to do this in the near future.

> 5) DH bump to 13:
> debhelper-compat could be bumper to 13 in d/control
DH compat is now bumped to 13.
See the following patch for details.

> 6) d/control: Standards-Version:
> You could go through the upgrade checklist of the Debian policy and
> check if it could be bumped to 4.6.0:
> https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/upgrading-checklist.html
Following the checklist you referred to, I reviewed the source to tell if Std-Ver can be bumped.
After looking at the source with the checklist in mind, I concluded that the field should be updated.
The field was incremented like this.

> 7) d/unhide.postinst:
> This file can be removed since unhide 20110113-3 was superseded 10 years ago.
Yes, obviously the .postinst file no longer makes sense.
The file was removed as follows.

> 8) d/unhide.manpages:
> I'm not sure this file is needed as debhelper should be smart enough
> to catch it, but I didn't double check.
I tried to remove unhide.manpages, but noticed that unhide.8.gz is missing in the package withtout the .manpages file.
Thus I decided to keep the file as it is.

Hope the changes above make sense.
If the issues are resolved, let's go to the next step.

> Thank you for working on this, I'm sure this will benefit a lot of users :)
> --
> Samuel Henrique <samueloph>

Best regards,
Fukui Daichi

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