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Re: Request to join the team

Samuel Henrique <samueloph@debian.org> 于2021年10月4日周一 上午1:57写道:
> Hello Clay,
> > My name is Clay Stan,over the past year, I have been packaging deepin
> > packages in pkg-deepin team
> > https://tracker.debian.org/teams/pkg-deepin/
> That's nice, I know we have lots of users interested in deepin
> packages, especially the GUI ones.
> > Now I'm packaging 'dirsearch' from kali to Debian:
> > https://salsa.debian.org/claystan/dirsearch
> > I would like to be part of the team,I am interested in packaging more
> > security tools from Kali to Debian
> Cool, let us know if/when you need a reviewer/sponsor for dirsearch,
> we'd be happy to help. You can keep an eye on this list to see how we
> work (we generally have a low volume of emails).

Yes I need a reviewer and sponsor for dirsearch
It would be great if you are willing to help
RFS: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=995345

Clay Stan

> > My Salsa username is: claystan
> > https://salsa.debian.org/claystan
> Ack, we don't have a strong definition of "being part of the team", so
> being in the team's salsa group is not a requirement for being part of
> the team.
> Generally speaking, the way it goes is that newcomers to Debian/team
> start by helping/maintaining a package, this is gonna lead to this
> person getting permission to push to that repo under the team. After a
> while, and depending on the person's goals (sometimes one just wants
> to maintain their own packages), they get added to the team, thus
> receiving permission to push to other repos as well.
> In the case of dirsearch, we can set up a repo under the team's org on
> Salsa and give you permission to push. My recommendation is that we do
> that after the first review of your packaging, just to have more
> flexibility in the way the repo is set up before moving to the team's
> org (since we can always reset the repo under your user, if needed).
> Welcome!
> --
> Samuel Henrique <samueloph>

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