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Re: Request to join the team

Hello Clay,

> My name is Clay Stan,over the past year, I have been packaging deepin
> packages in pkg-deepin team
> https://tracker.debian.org/teams/pkg-deepin/

That's nice, I know we have lots of users interested in deepin
packages, especially the GUI ones.

> Now I'm packaging 'dirsearch' from kali to Debian:
> https://salsa.debian.org/claystan/dirsearch
> I would like to be part of the team,I am interested in packaging more
> security tools from Kali to Debian

Cool, let us know if/when you need a reviewer/sponsor for dirsearch,
we'd be happy to help. You can keep an eye on this list to see how we
work (we generally have a low volume of emails).

> My Salsa username is: claystan
> https://salsa.debian.org/claystan

Ack, we don't have a strong definition of "being part of the team", so
being in the team's salsa group is not a requirement for being part of
the team.

Generally speaking, the way it goes is that newcomers to Debian/team
start by helping/maintaining a package, this is gonna lead to this
person getting permission to push to that repo under the team. After a
while, and depending on the person's goals (sometimes one just wants
to maintain their own packages), they get added to the team, thus
receiving permission to push to other repos as well.

In the case of dirsearch, we can set up a repo under the team's org on
Salsa and give you permission to push. My recommendation is that we do
that after the first review of your packaging, just to have more
flexibility in the way the repo is set up before moving to the team's
org (since we can always reset the repo under your user, if needed).


Samuel Henrique <samueloph>

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