rsakeyfind - Request for review of autopkgtest addition
Dear team,
I want to ask for a review of a recently created merge request
concerning the memory forensics software `rsakeyfind` [1].
I added autopkgtests to check the correct functionality of the created
package. These include a smoke test to check its startup behaviour as
well as tests to verify the extraction of a 256-bit and a 2048-bit RSA
key from pre-generated, but sizewise tiny process memory dumps, which
contain key material generated either by Openssl or with the help of the
Python library pycryptodome [2].
If you think, that I should add the helper scripts and/or the
documentation regarding the creation of those memory dumps also, please
let me know.
Thank you already in advance for reviewing and the eventual merging of
those changes.
Best regards,
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