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Re: DD ping [Brutespray]

Hello Stéphane,

Your changes are fine, but there are two issues now:
1) I believe you forgot to update d/changelog with the new changes,
you need to add:
  * Bump to standards-version version 4.5.0
  * Add Rules-Requires-Root: no
  * Update Uploaders field to match changelog

2) If I understood correctly, upstream just re-released 1.6.7, which
should never ever happen as it causes confusion as there is now two
1.6.7 releases of brutespray (even if upstream hides the first one).
The package is currently not building with gbp as the files are
differing, you can see that the pristine-tar branch is not updated and
the tag brutespray-1.6.7 points to the first 1.6.7 release.

Since this happened, I suggest packaging a git snapshot of the
repository, so you can use something like 1.6.7+git20200423.fd9a370-1
and/or suggest upstream to release 1.6.8 since there is ambiguity over
1.6.7, but it could be that only Debian got affected by it.
Another alternative would be to fix the pristine-tar and upstream
branches to be in sync with the 1.6.7 you want to use, but that might
be tricky and in the end I wouldn't be able to see from the version
number which of the 1.6.7 releases are you using.

That being said, I do understand that the diff between both 1.6.7
versions is very small, and doesn't affect the functionality of
brutespray, but now that you imported both to the repo, the issue
needs to be solved.

Again, my suggestion is to go for the easiest approach to package a
git snapshot, as it will make it clear which commit you're using.

What are your thoughts on this?

Also, as a fun fact, the first ever official release of Debian was 1.1
because the project got bitten by the same issue, although caused by a
third party:


Samuel Henrique <samueloph>

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