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Re: Gitlab refuses my commits- Bug#956153: ITP: fierce -- Domain DNS scanner

Em qui., 9 de abr. de 2020 às 05:24, Marcos Fouces
<marcos.fouces@gmail.com> escreveu:
> Hello Eriberto
> I fixed it, but salsa.d.o still refuse to accept my commits:
> remote: GitLab: You are not allowed to push code to protected branches
> on this project.
> To salsa.debian.org:pkg-security-team/fierce.git
>  ! [remote rejected] debian/master -> debian/master (pre-receive hook
> declined)

Hi Marcos,

Sorry for my delay.

Seems you did a reset or rebase. You need unset the protection, push
the changes and set again the protection. I think you is able to make
it because you are developer in Salsa. However, I will make it for

Please, push the changes to Salsa and I will review your package today
(in 1 or 2 hours from now). If you are not able to push to team,
please, push to mfouces user.



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