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Re: patch for arpwatch

Hi Ivan,

thanks for reaching out and working on improving arpwatch!

On Wed, 20 Feb 2019 13:38:38 +0300
Ivan <ivan@ivanbayan.com> wrote:

> I have a patch for arpwatch (it was done for arpwatch-2.1a15 2 years 
> ago). That patch add functionality to specify blacklist of IP
> addresses. Option similar to -z was added, but for list of /32
> addresses.
> I asked Axel Beckert <abe@debian.org> how can I add patch for 
> arpwatch, but he haven't respond, so how can I contribute it?

Unfortunately arpwatch is no longer under active development.  Since
you've reached out to me (and Axel), I assume you're interested in
adding your patch specifically to the arpwatch package in Debian.  I'm
maintaining the package as part of the Debian Security Tools packaging
team (I've added our list to CC).

Based on your message, I believe what you're trying to achieve
(blocking a list of IP addresses) can be done with the `-F` option that
is present since Debian version 2.1a15-4.  `-F` allows setting a pcap
filter, which is pretty versatile way of hiding certain packages from
arpwatch altogether.  Please check if you can use `-F` instead of
adding a patch.

If you cannot use `-F`, the correct procedure is to open a wishlist bug
against the arpwatch package.  You can attach your patch to that bug.

Thanks & regards

PS: I'm traveling over the weekend, so my responses may be a bit

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