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Re: Openscap-daemon: python3.7 incompatibility

Hi Phil,

moving the discussion to the mailing list (instead of the
tracker team).

On Wed, 25 Jul 2018, phil@reseau-libre.net wrote:
> After review of the OpenSCAP Daemon bug (#904371), which is an
> incompatibility of it with the python 3.7 version. I have 2 questions:
> - the associated bug of python 3.7 (#902788) seems to generate a lot of
> packages break, and in the bug thread it looks like people seem to target
> the usage of the "Break:" keword for all impacted packages in this package.
> - The Openscap-daemon bug is set as blocking the python3.7 one. I don't
> understand that point as there is no specific reason in such an
> incompatibility between python3.6 and 3.7 to generate blocking bugs in all
> impacted softwares (there is a long list).
> By now, I'm updating the package control file with a more specific version
> of python (specifying python << 3.7).
> I'm informing the upstream maintainers of such incompatibility. In that
> case, should I let the openscap-daemon bug "as is" or should I modify its
> status ?

I believe that you should not restrict openscap-daemon to a specific
Python version. This is useless work that needs to be undone rather soon since
Python 3.7 aims to be the default.

It's perfectly OK if there's a bug open for a while in unstable until
we have a fix.

If you want to go faster, you could write a Debian-specific patch yourself
until upstream releases an update. It's usually not hard, you just have to
rename the "async" variables/attributes in some consistent manner
everywhere. It needs some care/coordination with upstream when it's part
of the API though (exposed attribute name in methods for example).

In any case, when you have opened an upstream issue, you should mark
#904371 as forwarded to the upstream issue URL:

bts forwarded 904371 https://...

Raphaël Hertzog ◈ Debian Developer

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