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[pkg] CurveDNS - review


debian/copyright file has a few syntax errors.  You can use the
`cme` tool to help you spot the errors.

$ cd path/to/curvedns/package/dir
$ cme check dpkg
File debian/copyright line 27 has a syntax error:

I also have a question: can you explain the options you're using in
debian/source/options?  In which cases are they needed?

I think we've covered the technical part of the package now.  The
documentation should be improved a bit:
* man pages should only cover the binary itself and not mention
  variables from /etc/default/$NAME that have nothing to do with the
* README.Debian should cover the DNS setup to have DNScurve operational
  a bit as well.  It should offer enough information to someone who
  knows how to operate an authoritative DNS server to setup their domain
  correctly. After you've made a successful test setup you should be
  able to write this?

I'm also thinking about re-organizing how the information
in /etc/curvedns/ is presented.  At the moment it's not clear that only
one file (the private key) is configuration and the others are
information for the operator to setup his DNS zone.  One idea would be
to create an /etc/curvedns/README file that contains the public key (in
the two different encodings) and explains this.  What do you think
would be best?

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