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[pkg] CurveDNS - review

Hi St?phane,

I'm planning to do a full review on Tuesday evening.  I've done a test
built right now, ran lintian and noticed:

* Your Makefile does not apply the C proprocessor flags $(CPPFLAGS).
  In your case that means each of the compile commands starting with
      $(CC) $(CFLAGS)
  should instead start with
      $(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS)
* debian/control
  - Depends: debonf can be dropped (inserted into ${misc:Depends} by
  - The most current Standards version is now 4.0.0.  You can use the
    update checklist [1] to help you identify if any changes are
* rename templates to curvedns.templates for consistency (missed that
  one previously)
* run `debconf-updatepo` and commit after you change curvedns.templates
  (it's currently outdated)

Good evening

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