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CMake-induced breakage [was Re: Team upload policy]

Hi Gard,

* Gard Spreemann <gspr@nonempty.org> [2021-09-16 12:38]:
Off-topic, but: where can I read about this problem?
Starting with CMake 3.19, you get a deprecation warning on stderr if
cmake_minimum_required() asks for a version below 2.8.12. This will
break autopkgtests unless they run with Restrictions: allow-stderr.

I'm mostly following up on the regressions from the package tracker [1]
to deal with this.

There's also an unrelated bug in googletest [2] which happens to be
exposed by a change in CMake 3.20, but that should be fixed in
googletest itself.


[1] https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/cmake
[2] https://bugs.debian.org/994419

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